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Mental Health Approach

Mental Health Approach
Mental Health Approach

Classic Orientation

Generally used in medicine, including psychiatry, defines health as a condition without complaints, both physically and mentally. A healthy person is a person who has no complaints about his physical and mental state. Physical health means no physical complaints. While mental health means that there are no mental complaints. In the realm of psychology, this notion of health creates a lot of problems when we deal with people with mental disorders whose symptoms are losing touch with reality. Such people have no complaints with themselves even though they lose consciousness and are unable to take care of themselves properly. The notion of mental health from the classical orientation is inadequate for use in the context of psychology. Overcoming these deficiencies developed a new meaning of the word "healthy". Health or absence of a person mentally, lately is more determined by the ability to adapt to the environment. People who have the ability to adapt to the environment can be classified as mentally healthy. On the other hand, people who cannot adapt are classified as mentally unhealthy.

Self-Adjustment Orientation

By using the orientation of self-adjustment, the notion of mental health cannot be separated from the context of the environment in which the individual lives. Therefore, in relation to environmental norms, especially social and cultural norms, we cannot determine whether a person is mentally healthy or not from his mental condition alone. The measure of mental health is also based on the relationship between the individual and his environment. A person who in one society is classified as unhealthy or mentally ill may be considered mentally healthy in another society. This means that the limits of healthy or mental health are not absolute. Regarding the relativity of the limits of mental health, there are other symptoms that also need to be considered. We often see someone displaying environmentally acceptable behavior at one time and displaying behavior that is contrary to environmental norms at another time. For example, engaging in aggression that results in physical harm to others when he is in a bad mood but very generous when he is in a good mood. It can be said that a person is mentally healthy at some times and mentally unwell at other times. So how do we overall rate it? is he mentally healthy? or sick? that person cannot be judged as mentally healthy and mentally unhealthy at the same time.

Self Development Orientation

A person is said to have reached the level of mental health, if he gets the opportunity to develop his potential to maturity, he can be appreciated by others and his own series. In psycho-therapy (Psychiatric Treatment) it turns out that the main control in every person's actions and actions is not mere thought, but what is more important and sometimes very decisive are feelings. It has been proven that feelings are not always subject to thought, and often the opposite is true, thoughts are subject to feelings.

It can be said that it is the harmony between thoughts and feelings that makes one's actions appear mature and natural. So it can be said that the purpose of mental hygiene or mental health is to prevent mental disorders and emotional disorders, reduce or cure mental illnesses and promote the soul. Maintaining social relations will be able to realize the achievement of community goals leading to the achievement of individual goals at the same time.

We cannot assume that mental health is just an effort to achieve social happiness, because the happiness of society will not automatically lead to happiness and individual abilities, unless we take it into account, less happy and less touching individual aspects, will automatically reduce happiness and social skills.