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The Nature of Punishment

The Nature of Punishment

Punishment is the root word of the word "law" which means a regulation or custom which is officially considered binding which is confirmed by the ruler, government or person who has the authority and authority. Thus, punishment is something that is determined or imposed on people who have violated the rules that have been enacted.

In the world of education, the term rewards are known, such as appreciation and sanctions, reward and punishment, and/or rewards and punishments. How will the child realize that what he is doing is right if we never give him appreciation or appreciation, and how will he know that what the child has done is wrong if we never reprimand and punish him for his wrong treatment.

Punishment is something that is not wanted to befall the body or soul, either concretely or abstractly, directly or indirectly, with the aim of encouraging children to do something good and leave something bad, to change the child or straighten it according to what is taught by the Shari'a. If there is no punishment, the child will continue to make mistakes and not become aware.

Punishment in Islamic education is "punishment that aims to educate, not punishment based on revenge that aims to hurt, or to enforce the law for violations that have been committed".

Punishment in education is not the only way to educate or deter children against wrong behavior in children. Therefore, punishment should be relevant and in accordance with human nature by paying attention to the safety of the individual human being who gets punished. Punishments and rewards may be used by teachers to reinforce or weaken certain specific responses.

The punishment method is used to suppress the child's deviant behavior, and this must be done in accordance with the rewards, while the reward is used to motivate and reinforce the correct behavior of the child. In other words, new punishments may be given to students if rewards have also been given so that students know every consequence they will receive from their attitudes and behavior. These two things (punishment and reward) are a method of reward that can be used by every educator in educating children. The term reward = tsawab, is found in the Qur'an which shows that what humans do in this world will be rewarded in the hereafter.