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The Concept of Islamic Education According to Al Qabisi

The Concept of Islamic Education According to Al Qabisi

Education is a must for humans, the level of glory will be obtained by humans depending on the extent to which humans can receive education and the extent to which humans can apply the results of education in their social and state lives. Talking about education, we cannot be separated from the development of education from time to time and from generation to generation. We admit that education, especially in Indonesia, from time to time has progressed and innovated in various fields. This is inseparable from the services of our thinkers who have devoted all their abilities to advancing the education system in Indonesia.

Ali al-Jumbulati as quoted by Abuddin Nata said "that Al-Qabisi has great attention to children's education which takes place in kuttab-kuttab. According to him, educating children is a strategic effort in order to maintain the continuity of the nation and the state." Therefore, the education of children must be carried out with full sincerity and high perseverance. There are some of his thoughts about the education of these children (ta'lim as-Shibyan) which are interesting to discuss.

First, regarding the level of education for children (marhalah ta'lim as-shibyan). Al-qabisi established the kuttab as the first educational institution (marhlah early) for students. Unlike other educators, A-Qabisi does not limit the age of children who will enter education in these kuttabs. However, Al-Qabisi sees that the age of children entering school should be between five and seven years. "He did not set an age limit, because differences in maturity (psychology) and speed of understanding, according to him, exist in every human child." So, there is an aspect of child psychology to determine whether the child has the right to get an education at the kuttab or not. At this first level, children are still educated in kuttab educational institutions until they reach adulthood or between the ages of 13 to 15 years.

Thus education according to al-Qabisi's thinking ranges between 7 and 9 years. According to him, there are four elements of education level: "a). A place of learning or what is called a kuttab, b). Guru or mu'allim, c). Students or ash-Shabi, d). Qur'an as the material taught in this kuttab."

Second, the urgency and funding of education. Something that is very complicated and must be considered by education observers, according to him, is the reluctance of parents to include their children in education without justified reasons. And no less important is the cost of children's learning or the cost of educators. Ideally, the government is obliged to make an education budget from the wealth of Allah SWT, as it is obligatory to build facilities for the ummah in carrying out their obligations. But the reality is that the government sees children's education as an individual matter for every human being. Especially for orphans and the poor, he seems to use a religious approach to overcome them.

Third, teacher salaries in this matter, he argues that the opinion of Imam Malik and Sachnun regarding the right of teachers to receive a salary or salary that is sufficient, whether previously required or not. Ibn Mas'ud explained as quoted by al-Qabisi: "Three things must exist for humans: Leaders who govern among them, if there is no (leader) then humans will eat other humans, buy and sell mashaf, if this is not there Allah's book will fall, and finally the teacher who teaches their children and earns a salary from it, and if this does not exist, people will be stupid."